How to stay safe in London

People walking in London

Millions of people visit London every year, and for the most part, they have a safe and enjoyable experience. However, there are some things that tourists should be aware of in order to make their trip as safe as possible. Here are some tips for staying safe in London.

1. Be aware of your surroundings

This may seem like common sense, but it is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially when in a busy city like London. Pay attention to the people around you and what is going on around you. If you feel like something is not right, trust your gut and move to a different area.

2. Do not carry large amounts of cash

If you are carrying large amounts of cash, you are more likely to be a target for theft. Try to use a credit or debit card as much as possible to limit the amount of cash you are carrying on you. If you do need to carry cash, split it up into different pockets so that if you are pickpocketed, you will not lose everything.

3. Keep your belongings close to you

When you are in a busy area, keep your belongings close to you and do not let them out of your sight. This includes purses, bags, and cameras. Hold onto your bag tightly and do not put it down in busy areas. If you are using a camera, be aware of who is around you and keep it close to you when not in use.

4. Do not leave your drinks unattended

If you are out at a bar or club, do not leave your drink unattended. There have been cases of drinks being spiked with drugs in order to rob or assault a person. If you need to step away from your drink, take it with you or ask a friend to watch it for you.

5. Do not accept rides from strangers

If you are out at night and someone offers you a ride, do not accept. There have been reports of people being kidnapped or assaulted after getting into cars with strangers. If you need a ride, call a taxi or use a ride-sharing service like Uber.

6. Be cautious when using ATMs

When using a cashpoint, check that the ATM hasn’t been tampered with and that someone isn’t loitering around it. If you feel like something is not right, do not use the machine and go to a different one. When withdrawing money, be aware of your surroundings and put the cash away as soon as possible.

7. Do not flash your valuables

Do not show off your valuables in public, especially if they are expensive items such as jewellery or watches. This will only make you a target for theft. If you need to carry these items with you, keep them hidden away as much as possible.

8. Be cautious when travelling alone

If you are travelling alone, be extra cautious and aware of your surroundings. Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. Try to avoid walking alone at night in quiet areas. If possible, travel with a friend or take a taxi instead.

9. Do not wear headphones or play music loudly

If you are walking around with headphones on, you will not be able to hear what is going on around you. This makes you an easy target for thieves as they can approach you without you being aware of it. It is also important to be aware of your surroundings when playing music loudly, as this can also make you a target.

10. Keep copies of important documents

Make sure you have copies of important documents such as your passport and travel insurance in case you lose them. Keep these copies in a safe place, such as a hotel safe, so that you can access them if needed.

Dos and don’ts of staying in a hotel safety

Hotels are common places for criminals to target. There are a few simple things you can do to keep yourself safe when staying in a hotel.

  • Do take care when selecting a hotel to stay in, making sure to choose one with good security reviews.

  • Familiarize yourself with the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits, assembly points and evacuation routes when you arrive.

  • When going out, remember to leave valuables in the safe deposit box in your room or the hotel safe.

  • Make sure to mark your bags with your name and contact number or email – on the inside too.

  • Keep photocopies and details of your passport, travel documents, banking details, debit and credit card details, serial numbers and details of your devices and important contact numbers like your country’s embassy or consulate.

  • Have a backup plan such as access to a laptop, should you lose your phone and key contact numbers.

  • Don’t leave your room door or windows open or unlocked when you leave. Don’t leave luggage unattended even for a few seconds – hotel lobbies attract thieves.

Stay Safely at Zedwell Hotels

When looking for a hotel, it is important to choose one that is in a safe location. Zedwell hotels are located near to Piccadilly and Leicester Square, which is a busy, well-lit area with lots of people around. This makes it a safe and secure place to stay.

At Zedwell, we take the safety and security of our guests very seriously. Our hotels have been designed with safety in mind, from the layout of the buildings to the security features in each room.

We have a number of measures in place to keep our guests safe, including:

  • CCTV cameras in all public areas

  • Secure key-card access to all guest rooms

  • 24-hour security patrols

  • Fire extinguishers and fire alarms in all public areas and guest rooms

In addition, we have a dedicated team of security staff who are trained to deal with any situation that may arise.

Zedwell pod rooms are a great option for travellers who want a safe and secure place to stay. Our pod rooms are designed with security in mind, and our team of security staff are on hand 24/7 to deal with any situation that may arise.


Staying safe in London is mostly about using common sense and being aware of your surroundings. If you are vigilant and take precautions, you should have no problems enjoying your time in the city.

By following the simple tips above, you can help to keep yourself safe when staying in a hotel or outside. If you have any concerns about safety or security, please speak to a member of our team. We are here to help you and to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable stay with us. Thank you for choosing Zedwell.


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